Showing posts with label handicap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label handicap. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 9, 2021


Usually, "dumb doll" refers to a scatterbrained ditz, but not in this story...
If anything, this lady is one of the smartest people in any room!
Though now politically-incorrect, "dumb" was commonly-used to mean "mute" or "unable to speak", whether from a birth defect, accident, or in some cases, deliberate mutilation.
The phrase "deaf and dumb" (a condition which was far more common) indicated being unable to hear and speak!
When this never-reprinted tale was published in DC's Love Stories #151 (1973), we didn't have technology to assist in regaining speaking communication like THIS.
Writer Robert Kanigher, was a social justice warrior before they were identified as such.
His intentions were noble and he tried his best, but was a little too heavy-handed.
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