Showing posts with label MLJ Comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MLJ Comics. Show all posts

Friday, April 1, 2022

Amourous Education GINGER "Smellbound"

We presented two later versions of this tale HERE and HERE...

...Now here's the story that started it all!
(Note: all three tales are by the same writer!)
The biggest difference is that the teacher isn't a science instructor, but a history teacher, but many of the elements (including the perfume store, and of course, the punchline) are the same!
Freelance writers like Mendelsohn were dependent on producing volumes of work to pay the bills, since comics (and pulp magazines) weren't high-paying gigs back then.
It was strictly "work for hire", a one-time payment only!
They didn't get reprint fees, nor payment (not even a credit/acknowledgement) if their stories were re-used on radio/tv/movie versions of the characters, which they ofter were!
So it's not that unusual for writers to reuse storylines for stories for different publishers!
(We presented a kool example of this during our last year's annual Halloween blogathon starting with THIS TALE, and continuing through the links...)
Illustrated by George Frese, Mendelson's story from Archie's Ginger #1 (1951) was a continuation of the character's strip which premiered in Zip Comics in 1943, continued in the back of Suzie Comics, and finally got it's own title in 1951!
Ironically, the mid-1950s "Seduction of the Innocent" scandal involving horror and crime comics that caused numerous publishers to close and the surviving companies to reduce their output, doomed the wholesome character's book to end at #10 in 1954 when Archie cut back their line!
She disappeared until the early 2000s, when Archie began reprinting her stories in their numerous digest-sized titles, introducing her to a new audience who weren't even alive when she first appeared!
Happy April Fool's Day!
Be Back Next Wednesday for More Amorous Education!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Countdown to Halloween 2016: ARCHIE COMICS "Halloween Hi-Jinx"

We end our contribution to the Countdown to Halloween 2016 blogathon as we began...
with a pop culture icon celebrating the holiday!
As you can see from the cover (which is actually from the issue before the one the story appears in (which had a Christmas cover) and contents page by Harry Sahle, the Dan DeCarlo-created "look" that defines the characters to this day hadn't yet been implemented!

Note the caption about an Archie radio show.
Despite lack of success in movies and live-action TV, Archie and his friends had a long-running (1943-1952) radio show on NBC Blue (which became ABC) and the Mutual Network
It started as a daily 15-minute broadcast but converted to a weekly half-hour.
(As a seasonal treat, HERE'S a Halloween-themed episode from 1948!)
Back to the matter at hand...This tale from MLJ's Archie Comics #6 (1944) was written and penciled by Harry Sahle and inked by Janice Valleau.
Sahle might have also written it, but we can't confirm that.
Next week:
The Return of Reach for Happiness...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
(Things are really getting juicy...)
And now a word from our sponsor...
Please Support True Love Comics Tales!
Visit Amazon and Order...

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

PEP COMICS "Enter: Veronica!"

Though Betty Cooper had a four-issue head start on Veronica Lodge...
Note: Hedy Lamarr was THE blonde movie bombshell of the era.
...when Ronnie hit town in MLJ's Pep Comics #26, the battle was on!
Note: A "sub-deb" (sub-debutante) was a rich or well-bred young woman who had not yet come out into high society.
Note: Comedian Jack Benny was famous for being incredibly cheap.
The gang seems to have aged several years to 16-17 from their 12-14 year old versions only four issues earlier.
If so, did Betty have Archie all to herself for a couple of years instead of a couple of issues?
Either way, the romantic triangle between Archie, Betty, and Veronica would become perhaps the longest ongoing three-way in popular culture.
Even though the Life with Archie comic offered simultaneous alternate future universe plotlines featuring Archie married to both Betty and Ronnie, the current story featuring his demise seems to take place in a merged reality where we don't know who his final words are spoken to...
Who do you think it is?
Next week:
We haven't decided yet what it'll be, but we can guarantee that...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
(Oh, you've heard that, eh?)

And now a word from out sponsor...

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

PEP COMICS "Archie: the Way It Began"

With the death* of comics icon Archie Andrews making headlines...
...we're going to look back at how it all began 75 years ago, with the very first appearance of Archie, Jughead, and Betty...
Did writer Vic Bloom and artist Bob Montana know that their creation would not only take over the comic it premiered in (Pep Comics), but eventually the entire comic company which began as MLJ Magazines in 1939 and was renamed Archie Comics in 1946?
Note the gang are presented as being around 12-14 years old instead of the 16-18 range we're familiar with.
And, with Betty shown as moving into Riverdale in this story from Pep Comics #22, you may ask "Where's Veronica?"
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
*The Life with Archie series is actually a "What If?" or "Imaginary Story" series about what happens when Archie marries the various girls he's been involved with, and how their adult lives evolve.
So the "real" Archie is still very much alive and appearing in Archie Comics!

And now a word from out sponsor...