Showing posts with label Seaboard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seaboard. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

VICKI "Kiss and Tell" 2.0

The original version of this "meta" tale of a comic book character reading a comic book appeared HERE... here's the same story, with "updated" clothing and hairstyles and a different lead character., but the same supporting cast!

When Seaboard Publishing/Atlas Comics reprinted this tale in Vicki #2 (1975), they did the usual modifications to keep the tale looking "current" that everybody else did with their older teen humor and romance material.
I don't know if Atlas/Seaboard tried to get the rights to Tower's T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents, at that point only five years after their last appearance and still-fondly remembered by comics fans!
But, they ended up with Tippy Teen...who was renamed Vicki!
My personal opinion is that Seaboard's Martin Goodman discovered that Tower had abandoned the negatives/photostats at the printer (whom they didn't pay).
Like Israel Waldman who took similar abandoned material for his Super/IW Comics line, Goodman took the material (which also had never been copyrighted, so it was Public Domain as soon as it was published) and reprinted it, changing only the title to avoid a nuisance lawsuit from Tower (which was still publishing paperbacks) and claim a new copyright on the modified reprinted material.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

GOTHIC ROMANCES "As Midnight Becomes Morning"

Unlike their Marvel magazine rival, Gothic Tales of Love...
...Atlas/Seaboard's Gothic Romances used "name value" comic artists to illustrate their tales!
"Caroline Rivers", the author of this tale is apparently using a pseudonym.
There is a historical Lady Caroline Rivers, but the style of the story is clearly contemporary, so she can't be the writer!
One website lists her real name as "Carolyn Weaver", but I can't find anything about her, either!
The artist is Howard Chaykin, noted for his extremely-macho work on American Flagg, Blackhawk, The Shadow, etc.
He was also doing The Scorpion for Atlas/Seaboard at the time!
Next Week:
We don't know yet what we'll present, but we can guarantee...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

TIPPY TEEN / VICKI "3rd Finger, Right Hand"

She's supposedly two different girls, almost a decade apart...
...even though both of them have the same boyfriend!
When this story from Tower's Tippy Teen #3 (1966) was reprinted in Atlas/Seaboard's Vicki #1 (1975), more than just the fashions and hairstyles were altered*.
Tippi became "Vicki", though her boyfriend remained "Tommy Trippit" in both versions!
Why did Seaboard change the character's name from Tippy to Vicki?
Nobody's certain.
But, since Vicki was cancelled after only four issues, the question is now moot.
*With sales falling on most non-superhero genres in the late 1960s (including Western and war as well as romance and teen humor [except for the Archie titles]), "updated reprinting" became a common practice on teen humor and romance comics until the genres all-but died out in the late 1970s.
Editors felt that:
a) the plots were relatively timeless.
b) updating the art was cheaper than totally-redrawing the story. 
c) the artists were better-utilized doing stuff that sold better (like superheroes).
d) the audience for teen humor and romance comics, unlike superhero comics, totally-changed every 5-6 years anyway, and wouldn't notice the "old" plots.
Next week:
We haven't decided yet what it'll be, but we can guarantee that...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
(Oh, you've heard that, eh?)

And now a word from out sponsor...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

ROMEO & JULIET Conclusion

You really expected me to paraphrase Shakespeare?
Geez, I'm not that egotistical!
Verily, let us returneth to the tale...
This it not the Classics Illustrated version, but part of the Famous Authors Illustrated series that competed with CI for the "comic book adaptation of classics" market for several years.
This particular edition, from Famous Authors Illustrated #10 (1950), was adapted by St John romance comics scribe Dana Dutch and illustrated by longtime CI contributor H C Kiefer!
Next week:
We haven't decided yet what it'll be, but we can guarantee that...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!

And now a word from out sponsor...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Verily, things doth not be copacetic in Verona!
Pray, let us behold the love-smitten swain and the lovely object of his affections ...
Verily, ye didn't know Shakespeare invented the soap opera, dids't thou?
This it not the Classics Illustrated version, but part of the Famous Authors Illustrated series that competed with CI for the "comic book adaptation of classics" market for several years.
The Famous Authors line was doing pretty well, so Classics did what any business would do when faced by a successful competitor...they eliminated the competiton by buying the company!
This particular edition, from Famous Authors Illustrated #10 (1950), was adapted by St John romance comics scribe Dana Dutch and illustrated by longtime CI contributor H C Kiefer!
Next week:
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
(Please don't give away the ending!)

And now a word from out sponsor...