Showing posts with label 1960s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1960s. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2024

Super-Love BRAVE AND THE BOLD "In the Coils of the CopperHead" Conclusion

When Last We Left our Horny Heroines and Hapless Hero...

Batman's somewhat-silly plan to make the crafty CopperHead believe he was leaving a near-priceless artifact unguarded due to being distracted by Wonder Woman and Batgirl fighting over his affections has backfired spectacularly as both super-heroines are now totally-enamored of the Caped Crusader and the villain has made off with his prize!
I'd like to believe that writer Bob Haney was given the concept by editor Murray Boltanoff, not that Haney himself came up with the plot.
Note: editor Boltanoff was not a "continuity cop".
Many of the characters appearing in his books acted out of character from time to time!
This was artist Bob Brown's first time drawing Batman, obviously impressing artist-turned Editorial Director Carmine Infantino enough to move him over to the Batman and Robin strip in Detective Comics when the Bob Kane Studio's contract ended in early 1968!
BTW, Brown was the illustrator of the Detective Comics story that revamped Batman from campy tv-era Bright Knight back to the original concept of nocturnal Dark Knight as shown HERE!
Brown stayed on the title until he left DC in 1973, going to Marvel, where he ended up on Daredevil and the Black Widow a few months after the tale we told last week was published!
Ironically, Brown also illustrated one part of the two-issue introduction of Marvel's villainous CopperHead during this run, thereby being one of only three artists to create same-named (but not same-powered) villains at both DC and Marvel!

Next Week:
Another Tale of Super-Love from Somewhere in the Multiverse!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Super-Love BRAVE AND THE BOLD "In the Coils of the CopperHead" Part 2

We Have Already Seen...

I'll let The Narrator fill you in on what's going on, since I find it, well, quite silly!
(But remember, it was 1968, the era of the Batman TV series...)

To Be Concluded...Tomorrow!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
Written by Bob Haney, penciled by Bob Brown, and inked by Mike Esposito, this story from DC's Brave and the Bold #78 (1968) shows a fascinating difference between DC and Marvel when it came to Super-Love.
As you saw in last week's Daredevil-Black Widow-Hawkeye triangle, the emotions were sincere and heartfelt...if a tad extreme and hyperbolic, much as most teens experience romance!
OTOH, DC's approach (at least in the superhero books) is to treat romance as yukky and inconvenient, with girls/women being total ditzes!
In contrast, both Marvel's and DC's romance books were remarkably-similar in approach and content!
Apparently, Marvel felt both the romance and superhero titles had a similarly-sophisticated audience, whereas DC believed the superhero books skewed younger than the romance titles!

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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Super-Love BRAVE AND THE BOLD "In the Coils of the CopperHead" Part 1

This week, it's a triangle between DC Heroines over a Hero!
To Be Continued...Tomorrow!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
Written by Bob Haney, penciled by Bob Brown, and inked by Mike Esposito, this story from DC's Brave and the Bold #78 (1968) came at an unusual time.
Batgirl was about to be introduced on the third season of the classic Batman TV series.
And, the producers of that series had done a test reel (not as long as a pilot episode, about 10-15 minutes) for a Wonder Woman series.
Had this story, created in late 1967-early 1968, been meant as an intro to promote and tie-in the two series?
Since the WW series wasn't picked-up, we'll never know...

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Brave and the Bold
Batman Team-Ups

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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Super-Love Redux with SUPERGIRL "Heroine Haters" Conclusion

...depressed over her Stanhope College classmates finding boyfriends using computer dating, Kara uses the Fortress of Solitude's Super-Computer to find the perfect mate for her.
While it indicates that Volar of the planet Torma is perfect for her, the Girl of Steel's cousin (you-know-who) warns her against unrealistic expectations.
Supergirl travels to Torma and discovers that women there are treated as 2nd-class citizens, and that she's considered an amusing freak!
But will love for the handsome and dynamic Volar, whose respect and admiration for her is far different from any of the other men of Torma, enable her to overcome such blatant prejudice?
BTW, note that Volar looks totally-different on the cover by penciler Curt Swan and inker Murphy Anderson!
Too bad DC never followed-up on the saga of the first transvestite super-heroine.
BTW, why couldn't Volar's genius scientist father synthesize the chemicals needed to utilize the mask?
Just askin'...
Also, since Superman programs his Super-Computer, why didn't he add the information on Volar's disguise to the database?
Or did the computer deliberately leave out that info when responding to Suprgirl's query?
Note: There was a transvestite super-hero in the 1940s...the original Cat-Man!

Written by Cary Bates, penciled by Win Mortimer and inked by Jack Abel, this cover-featured tale from DC's Adventure Comics #384 (1969) would probably have a much different ending if created today!
There are now numerous main and supporting gay and bisexual characters in comics and comics-oriented media, so the idea of two heroines (or heroes) being involved would hardly be shocking to the audience...

Next Week...
Yet More Super-Love!
Will It be a Marvel or DC Character?
Or Somebody from Neither Publisher?
All We Can Tell You is...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Super-Love Redux with SUPERGIRL "Heroine Haters" Part 1

We re-present...
...a never-reprinted Silver Age romance of Kara Zor-El aka Linda Danvers aka Supergirl!
This particular one involves both Artificial Intelligence misleading a user and a romance that would be handled quite differently if this story was done today!
Actually, you'll have to tune in tomorrow, when we present the conclusion of this...unique...relationship!
Written by Cary Bates, penciled by Win Mortimer and inked by Jack Abel, this cover-featured tale from DC's Adventure Comics #384 (1969) would probably have a much different ending if it was created today!
As we said, be back TOMORROW!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Laugh at Love TRUER THAN TRUE ROMANCE "What Are You Saying?!" & YOUNG ROMANCE "Heartbreak"

Yep, we're taking a humorous look at romance during the month of Valentine's Day!
And we're starting it off with another of Jeannie Martinet's rewrites of an otherwise never-reprinted DC Silver Age tale!
Now that you've seen how this story was reconceived for the cynical 2000s in Watson-Guptill's Truer Than True Romance (2001), let's see what the unknown original writer of this Jack Sparling-penciled and Vince Colletta-inked tale from DC's Young Romance #161 (1969) had in mind...
Is that adorable, or what???
Note: I really didn't believe there were any Vietnam War romance comic stories until I found this one!

Next Week:
Valentine's Day!!!
 And We Guarantee That...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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