Showing posts with label 1980s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1980s. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Do You Love O Henry's "Gift of the Magi" as Much as We Do?

...we've presented two of them, each with its' own particular charms!
O Henry's classic Christmas story of True Love has been adapted into every media format imaginable, sometimes as a period piece, sometimes updated to the present, and, in a couple of cases, projected into the future!
Another, rarely-seen graphic retelling of the classic Christmas tale!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
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Friday, July 15, 2022

Wedding Bliss & Super-Love ACTION COMICS "Superman Takes a Wife" Conclusion

...before the Crisis on Infinite Earths in 1985, there were two Supermen on parallel worlds, one who began his career just before World War II on "Earth-Two", and one who began his career in the late 1950s on "Earth-One"!
This is the tale of the Earth-Two version, who has just married Lois Lane...
The Mr and Mrs Superman strip, detailing the couple's adventures, ran for several years until Crisis on Infinite Earths merged all the parallel worlds in the DC Universe into one, rebooting the comic publisher's continuity and eliminating various duplicates of characters...except the Earth-Two Superman and Lois, who survived in a "pocket universe"!
But that's a story for another time (and blog)...
And now, we're going "fanboy/fangirl" with a few Easter Eggs...
The Earth-Two Superman's "different" chest insignia was actually used in the 1940s on a promotional painting done to publicize the Adventures of Superman radio show...
...rendered by pulp cover artist H J Ward, whose previous superhero credits included promotional art for the Lone Ranger and Green Hornet radio shows!
Villain Colonel (Edmond H) Future was a tribute to Golden/Silver Age pulp and comic book writer Edmond Hamilton, who, besides introducing a number of characters into the DC Universe, created the pulp sci-fi hero Captain Future...
...whose premiere issue's cover was one of the featured items in Sheldon and Leonard's apartment on The Big Bang Theory!
The robots Superman stopped in Part One of our story were based on the ones seen in the 1940s Fleischer Brothers' Superman cartoon "Mechanical Monsters"...which also showed the very first time Superman changed into costume in a phone booth!
Wow, it felt good getting that out of my system!
Next Week...
More SUPER Love!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Wedding Bliss & Super-Love ACTION COMICS "Superman Takes a Wife" Part 1

You may think you know the tale of Clark (Superman) Kent and Lois Lane, but..

...if you're under 50, it's doubtful you know the story of this Clark (Superman) Kent and Lois Lane...
You know how they say "The honeymoon's over"?
Well, it gets a whole new meaning...
Don't Miss It, Because
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Do!
There are several Easter Eggs in this part of the story, but we're not going "fanboy/fangirl" on you and explain them until tomorrow...with one exception...
For those of you born after 1985's Crisis on Infinite Earths, here's a crib sheet explaining a bit more about the Clark and Lois whose tale you've been reading...
(Click on the page to enlarge)
BTW, when this tale was published, the Golden Age original Superman had been appearing for a couple of years in DC's All-Star Comics as an active member of the Justice Society in stories set in the present day (1978)!
And, this Clark was now the editor of the Daily Star...
(Technically, that's not a separate Easter Egg, so there...)

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Wedding Bliss & Super-Love ACTION COMICS "Superman Takes a Wife"

For decades it was a cliche that Lois Lane tried to rope reluctant bachelor Superman into wedlock...

...usually through deceit and trickery, as you see from the cover above!
She finally succeeded in 1996!

Yes, I'm sure you know about when Lois Lane and Clark Kent wed!
(After all, it was "The Event of the Century!")
The mainstream press covered it extensively, and DC held events at comic shops and conventions celebrating it with multiple tie-ins!

Also note, she married Clark Kent...not Superman!
(and yes, there is a difference!)
But, most people forgot that Lois had already married Clark...and Superman...and it was officially-part of DC Multiverse continuity from when it happened in 1978 until the Crisis on Infinite Earths in 1985!

That's the story we're going to tell tomorrow and Friday!
Not a Dream!
Not a Hoax!
Not an Imaginary Story!
Be Here Tomorrow!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Louisa May Alcott's LITTLE WOMEN Conclusion

...we've seen the Christmastime trials and tribulations of the girls of the March family, as their father goes off to fight in the Civil War.
But now...

Beth LIVES???
That's not exactly what happens in the book, though!
The original story ends, like this comic, with Beth surviving her bout with scarlet fever!
But the novel sold so well that the publisher demanded a sequel, which Alcott produced, unwillingly, under the title Good Wives!
Beth does die in the sequel, set several years in the future, as its' revealed her heart was weakened by her earlier illness!
Since the two tales were relatively-short, current publishers combine the two into a single volume!
And most adaptations modify the timeline so Beth passes away during her initial attack!
The adaptor of Louisa May Alcott's novel is unknown, but the art is co-penciled by Rich Buckler & Dick Giordano and inked by Giordano.
Next Week
We're Not Sure What We'll Present, but we Guarantee
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Louisa May Alcott's LITTLE WOMEN Part 1

It's hard to believe that, until the past couple of years...
...there was only one comics adaptation of the classic book Little Women!
And it was part of an early 1980s book-and-record set marketed towards pre-teens!
(No, there never was a Classics Illustrated version!)
Here's part 1, with part 2 to follow on New Year's Day!
The adaptor of Louisa May Alcott's novel is unknown, but the art is co-penciled by Rich Buckler & Dick Giordano and inked by Giordano.
Next Week
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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