Wednesday, July 26, 2017

IT RHYMES WITH LUST "Chapter 6: the Serpent Coils" Conclusion

When Last We Left Rust, Hal, Audrey, and the rest...
...Hal has exposed Rust's secret control of Copper City!
The she-devil and her henchmen rush to the copper mines to retake gunpoint if necessary!
But when her trigger-happy thugs shoot a miner, all hell breaks loose and Rust is forced to flee!
The End?
Not quite...
There's one more story to tell...
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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

IT RHYMES WITH LUST "Chapter 3: Deadly Female" Part 2

Newspaperman Hal Weber runs the Copper City Express, which is secretly-owned by his ex-lover Rust Masson.
Rust also controls both the government and gangland of the city.
Though Rust believes she also controls Hal, her step-daughter Audrey is influencing the editor against Rust both intellectually and emotionally...
To Be Continued...
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Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Before We Begin...a Brief Overview... take a deep breath and dive in!
 To Be Continued...
Seduction of the Innocent!
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It Rhymes with Lust
Deluxe Reprint Edition

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

HARVEY "Beauty and the Beach"

When summer vacation begins, comic book teens run for, where else...
...the beach!
This never-reprinted tale from Marvel's Harvey #5 (1972) was the penultimate issue of their last attempt at "teen" humor.
Written and penciled by Stu Schwartzberg and inked by Henry Scarpelli, clearly imitating Dan DeCarlo's art style which became the "look" of Archie Comics, this book and several Millie the Model titles ended in 1972-73, leaving Archie standing alone in the teen humor genre to this day.
Next Week
Our Annual Summer RetroBlog Blogathon Begins HERE with a special re-presentation of the first Graphic Novel!
A Tale of Love, Lust, Politics, Crime, and a Man Romancing a Successful Businesswoman...and Her Daughter!
It Rhymes with LUST
by Arnold Drake, Leslie Waller, Matt Baker, and Ray Osrin
A Saga So Big...So HOT...No Single Blog Can Contain It!
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out If You Miss It!
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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

STILL STAR-CROSSED aka Romeo and Juliet: the Next Generation

You have to give Shonda Rhimes credit for chutzpah... isn't many people who would try to do a live-action sequel to Romeo and Juliet!
An update, yes!
Lord knows they've been done to death!
But a sequel???
Now that's chutzpah!
(BTW, Romeo and Juliet are dead!
None of that "look, we were wrong, they're still alive" BS!)
 To be fair, the series is based on a kool, popular YA book by Melinda Taub, and Shonda decided to carry the fact that R&J was the prototype for the soap operas of today to its' logical conclusion, making a soap opera out of it, using Taub's book as the launching pad!
But does it work?
As Dynasty-style soap opera, definitely!
As a sequel to the original story, sort of!
As a historically-accurate period piece, it's on the level of Hercules: the Legendary Journeys!
It is enjoyable, campy fun!
But, hopefully, it'll inspire teens and 'tweens to search out the original R&J in any of the many formats it's available this comics adaptation...
Sadly, ABC has moved Still Star-Crossed from Monday to the "death slot" of Saturday nights beginning July 8, so it looks like they'll "burn it off" and let the show fade into obscurity.
Watch or DVR it before it disappears!
Next Week:
We don't know yet what we'll present, but we can guarantee...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
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